Making Move-In Sustainable

Welcome Home

Here at Texas State University we take great pride in our beautiful campus and together through acts of stewardship we can ensure our home remains pristine for all. 

Explore this page and learn how we're 

Sustaining Memories, Reducing Waste. 

Move-In August 17-19: Day of Procedures

Cardboard Recycling

Break down and flatten all cardboard boxes for proper recycling. Remove any & all trash such as Styrofoam, plastic wrap, food waste, etc. 

Cardboard Recycling locations are available at convenient locations within or outside all Residential Halls.

Did you know recycling one ton of cardboard saves approximately 17 trees and over 7,000 gallons of water

cardboard recycling rules
screen capture of the TXST digital map san marcos campus

Cardboard Recycling

Find the nearest cardboard recycling station to your Residential Hall. Bobcats who properly dispose of their cardboard earn a FREE TXST T-shirt!

Single Stream Recycling Closed Aug 17-19

Recycling bins for plastic bottles & containers, aluminum cans, glass containers, and loose paper will be closed during the move-in period. Single stream recycling collection will resume August 26. 

Before the Move: Tips & Tricks

man moving plastic tote bin

#1 Reusable Bins

We recommend Bobcats to pack their belongings in reusable heavy-duty tubs & bins to save on cardboard waste and to serve as additional storage for your dorm room. 

#2 Less Plastic The Better

Pack breakables & fragile items in t-shirts, socks, bedding, and towels instead of plastic bubble wrap. Save room & save on plastic waste while at the same unpack multiple items at once. 

glass sock wrapped in a sock
water bottle refill station

#3 Refillable Hydration

August in Central Texas can reach high temperatures above 100°F. Bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated. Water bottle refill stations are available throughout Residential Halls & across campus. 

#4 Save by Sharing

Double supplies means double trouble. Save the hassle & communicate with your roommate on what dorm room supplies you both plan on bringing. From lamps, mini fridges, rugs, coffee makers, you only need one. 

Review the provided Move-In Checklist

people pulling wagon into a building
man sitting in chair playing video games

#5 Smart Power Strip

Power strips that include surge protection are ideal for dorm rooms. Help TXST conserve energy & invest in a smart power strip. A smart power strip can minimize vampire loads - loads that continue to consume energy even when devices are in sleep mode such as smart TVs, laptop computers, game stations, coffee makers, etc. 

#6 Preparation is Key

Move-in day will come fast, so be sure to come prepared to maximize memories. Pack items strategically in reusable bins & maximize space and minimize hassle by packing items in mini fridges during your move - it's an efficient way to reduce the need for extra boxes!

people standing and smiling in a dorm room
man standing on scooter

#7 Leave the Car at Home

Consider leaving your car at home. Everything you need while living on campus is a short walk or bike ride away. Reduce your carbon footprint & save money by avoiding having to buy a parking pass. 

Sustainable Dorm Room Supplies

women sitting at a desk under a lofted bed

Recommended Sustainable Supplies:

  • Reusable k-cups 
  • Reusable to-go coffee mug
  • Canvas tote bags 
  • Reusable water bottle 
  • Shampoo & Conditioner bars 
  • Bike or Scooter
  • Reusable silicone bags 
  • ENERGY STAR appliances like mini fridges & microwaves
  • LED lighting + light bulbs 
  • Organic & Fair Trade bedding 
  • Safer Choice cleaning products

Sustainability Tip

When purchasing items for your dorm room, think with the future in mind. We recommend buying quality rather than quantity & buying items that can be used throughout your college career. 

Why is Recycling Important?

can being placed into the recycling

Recycling reduces the demand for raw materials and helps preserve natural resources, like water! When items that can be recycled, like plastic bottles and cans, get placed in trash bins they end up in landfills. Inorganic waste, like plastics, take thousands of years to breakdown in landfills and release toxic chemicals into nearby water bodies and surrounding environments, including neighborhoods. 

Through recycling, communities can save water, save energy, reduce landfill size and pollution, and most importantly reduce their carbon footprint.    


Contact our team for information on how to make your move-in more sustainable 

Email the sustainability team